Lottarock Farm

Lottarock Farm

02 March 2011

The Eagle Has Landed

Lennox Dawn Agave

Jenolan Caves

Jenolan Cave Stairwell

Lake Ainsworth Dawn

Lennox Dawn Surfers

Yes, we have finally ended our six months of constant travel across Australia. We are in a caravan park in Lennox Head, NSW, just a few kilometers south of our old digs in Suffolk Park. The weather is hot and humid, which I am slowly adjusting to, but the scenery remains as spectacular as ever. We will be here in the immediate vicinity until we fly out of Brisbane at the end of the month. There are numerous loose ends to tie up, the most critical being getting all of the gear and art we have managed to accumulate over the past year back to NH and to sell our trusty vehicle. As much as it would be nice to have it shipped home as well, it is not a model imported to the US and thus would be cost prohibitive to have converted to meet the rigorous specifications required for operation there.

Today we had a moving company come assess the shipping costs for the gear and we hope to have a reasonable quote by Friday. Once we know how much it will cost and when it can be done, then we can get down to stripping Em, the car, of her racks and bits that will be shipped and then the arduous task of cleaning the inside and outside of the car for sale. If we can get half of what we paid, we'll be more than satisfied as she has been well used, going over 71,000 kms and subjected to terrain not for the faint of heart. She has the battle scars to prove it, but she has never let us down.

After those requirements are complete, we will rent a small car and if time permits, take a tour of Fraser Island up in Queensland before we depart. We have already scheduled visits to friends up in QLD and will enjoy some relaxing time before the flight.

Then the hard work comes. Allie will be plunged right into gardening, snow and ice not withstanding. Clients have to be consulted, seed and plant orders submitted, and installation and work scheduled. I will begin the immense task of reviewing the over 40,000 images I will have taken on this epic journey to select those that will make up both a personal book and also the more serious work to be both printed and published. This will be a magnum opus and I intend for it to be the best I have done to date. I already know that many of the images I have shared with you all will have to be redone and that many more will be totally new. Also, I will be writing about each image included, telling the story of what, where, and why I selected these images. I have bitten off a huge amount but like eating the elephant, you do it one bite at a time, so it will be done with as much care and time as it deserves.

Then of course, the farm will demand its pound of flesh as I will be mending fences, installing new posts, and getting down to rectifying the long term electrical fence problem that has plagued us for years. Allie has plans for new trees and plants, a new retaining wall, and other projects bound to keep us quite busy for a long time. So, we won't be off for any travels in the foreseeable future, but will gladly welcome guests.

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