Lottarock Farm

Lottarock Farm

10 July 2011


Farm Tour

Poppies and Asparagus

Dog Days of Summer

We had a perfect day for our Farm and Food tour yesterday. Despite all the hicups leading up to the days event, like our address being posted incorrectly, we had an amazing 57 people come by our little farm to see what we do and meet all the animals. We were thrilled by the turnout, making all the hard work leading up to the day worthwhile. I must say, the property looks spectacular, don't know how long it will last, but right now its looking mighty fine. The Monadnock Rotary that pulled the event together should be really pleased with the turnout as well. We lived through the day and today are just recovering.

I think Fred and Ginger got lonely this morning after all the oohing and ahhing that they got yesterday and somehow they escaped, looking for more attention no doubt. After a little frantic work so we got them back in their paddock and tried to see how they escaped. Steve made the gate more secure so we will see what happens. So far, they have stayed in. Spoiled goats.

We have had a fox hanging around the place. A little too close for our comfort. We hope that it isn't rabid, but to have a fox approach a bunch of people siting under the pergola having dinner is very unusual. especially after it has been shot at with a .22. Odd. Just what we need, a rabid fox.

My vegetable garden highlight is seeing the double red poppies blooming their heads off through the asparagus fronds. It looks as though I had planned it that way, but nope, that is garden nature taking over with just some thinning by me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allie and Steve,
    What a wonderful day you must have had.
    It was lovely to meet you when you came to Adelaide.
    It is winter here now but still very mild weather.
    We have lots of Asian greens in the garden.
    We also have lots of nettles, miners lettuce ans camomile appearing.
    We still have lovely gatherings at Glandore Community Garden and Harry has been giving amazing talks.
    I shall add you to our mailing list so you can see what we are doing.
    I hope you are both well and look forward to your next visit to Aussie land.
