Lottarock Farm

Lottarock Farm

02 March 2013


Chaos and Courage. Two words that sum up today's Christchurch.  Like a prizefighter that has taken two devastating blows, the first on September 4th, 2010 at 4:35 am, and the second on February 22nd, 2011 at 12:51 pm, Christchurch was nearly out for the count.  Thankfully, the fight is not over and indeed there are signs that revival will be complete.  

In the meanwhile, the city is a ghost town, a scene out of an apocalyptic movie where no one walks the streets, not even a stray dog.  The worst of the damage was to the Central Business District (CBD) and the beloved  Cathedral.  There is much bickering and fighting over insurance, rebuilding, etc., etc., etc., so not much is happening, except for in those areas that have simply been bulldozed to the ground and are acres of wasteland waiting for investors.  That and the City Council has grandiose ideas of a centrally planned city center with all the bells and whistles.  For a culture that prides itself on its "Britishness", they sure have nothing on the Brits that braved the Nazi air raids on London and Coventry and how quickly they rebuilt those cities.

However, there is a bright and shining center of rebirth, Re-Start. Re-Start is simply a slew of cargo containers re-purposed for retail space and it is the thriving hub of the city, central planning be damned!  We can only hope that this vitality spreads without restraint.

And so, we leave on a high note, heading once again homeward.  We will miss the balmy temperatures and beauty all around, but home is home, critters and all.  Tomorrow we begin the long flights to the good old U S of A!

Tuned In

The Cathedral Front

Damage Detail

Cathedral Rear

Not Much Left

Trying Hard

Re-Start Sign

Ghost Town

Re-Start Red

In Ruins

Hope for the future

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