Lottarock Farm

Lottarock Farm

19 April 2010

Like kids before Christmas

You'd think I was used to the whole "hurry up and wait" that I learned in the Navy. It isn't working. If two people could be more anxious, I don't know how. It is just like being a little kid the day before Christmas.

Allie did most of the cleaning and I did dusting and vacuuming (I handle dust better) and the house looks great. The yard is picked up, the barn is relatively tidy and the vehicles are ready. Packing is another story, but we still have a few hours left (21) so that'll happen.

I guess we simply need to take the Animal House advice, "start drinking."

Tomorrow at this time we'll be at Logan airport checking in and going through the security checks, hopefully with no hassles. Then it is to LA, wait for 3 hours, hop on the Qantas flight and head for Melbourne and truly begin the adventure of a lifetime.

In that spirit, I'd like to thank all those who have made this wonderful gift happen: my parents who gave me a love for travel and new experiences and without whose hard work and efforts it would not be possible, my brother, Jeff, who has continued to do the heavy lifting in the business so I can be free to do this, Allie's mom, Andy, who not only gave me the priceless gift of her daughter but also has been very supportive of us in all the minutiae of getting ready, our fantastic families who will watch over the farm and the critters and each other and our parents during our absence, and to our super "Farm Girl", Lindsay, who will hold down the fort and without who, this would not even remotely be possible.

We will all miss you but we know that life is meant for living to the fullest and we hope that in some small way, you can all live vicariously in Australia with us!

Hark, I hear some fine 12 year old Balvenie scotch calling my name.

PS. The photo was taken by Allie nearly 30 years ago. Somehow I don't think it has changed much. :)

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