Lottarock Farm

Lottarock Farm

05 July 2010

Cool and Raw

The weather is definitely colder and wetter than we've experienced in Australia before. There seems to be a bit of a persistent weather system causing all this and there are places experiencing record colds. Must be all the "warmth" in Canberra within the Labour party causing it. For our readers outside Oz, the Labour party recently had a "Night of the Long Knives" and after a particularly nasty internecine battle, a new PM, Julia Gillard, came out on top. The entire country is rather appalled at the cold-bloodedness of the entire affair. Thus the weather, I suppose.

On a happier note, we had guests last weekend from up in the Brisbane area and we were able to show them around. And in a few days, my sister, Tracey, and her daughters will arrive for two weeks! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and they'll see how magical this little corner of paradise is.

We wish we could trade some cool and wet for the heat that is baking the US, but hopefully we'll warm and you'll cool and all will be well.


Steve and Allie

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